interface LineItemPrice {
    channel?: ChannelKeyReference;
    country?: string;
    custom?: Custom;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupKeyReference;
    discounted?: DiscountedPrice;
    tiers?: PriceTier[];
    validFrom?: string;
    validUntil?: string;
    value: TypedMoney;


References a channel by key.

country?: string

Maps to Price.county.

custom?: Custom

Maps to Price.custom.

References a customer group by key.

discounted?: DiscountedPrice

Sets a discounted price from an external service.

tiers?: PriceTier[]

The tiered prices for this price.

validFrom?: string

Maps to Price.validFrom.

validUntil?: string

Maps to Price.validUntil.

value: TypedMoney

Maps to Price.value.