Maps to an order's shippingInfo property. This field is usually populated by the cart associated with the order, but when importing orders you must provide a draft representation as a part of the OrderImport.

interface ShippingInfoImportDraft {
    deliveries?: Delivery[];
    discountedPrice?: DiscountedLineItemPriceDraft;
    price: TypedMoney;
    shippingMethod?: ShippingMethodKeyReference;
    shippingMethodName: string;
    shippingMethodState?: string;
    shippingRate: ShippingRateDraft;
    taxCategory?: TaxCategoryKeyReference;
    taxRate?: TaxRate;


deliveries?: Delivery[]

Note that you can not add a DeliveryItem on import, as LineItems and CustomLineItems are not yet referenceable by an id.

price: TypedMoney

References a shipping method by key.

shippingMethodName: string
shippingMethodState?: string
shippingRate: ShippingRateDraft

References a tax category by key.

taxRate?: TaxRate