interface QueryPrice {
    channel?: ChannelReference;
    country?: string;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference;
    discounted?: DiscountedPriceDraft;
    id?: string;
    tiers?: PriceTierDraft[];
    validFrom?: string;
    validUntil?: string;
    value: _Money;


ProductDistribution Channel for which the given Price is valid.

country?: string

Country for which the given Price is valid.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields for the Price.

customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference

CustomerGroup for which the given Price is valid.

DiscountedPrice you specify for the given Price.

id?: string

Unique identifier of the given Price.

tiers?: PriceTierDraft[]

Price tier applied when the minimum quantity for the LineItem of a ProductVariant with the related Price is reached in a Cart.

If `discounted` is specified, the tiered Price is ignored for a Product Variant.
validFrom?: string

Date from which the given Price is valid.

validUntil?: string

Date until which the given Price is valid.

value: _Money

Money value of the given Price.