interface IBusinessUnit {
    addresses: Address[];
    approvalRuleMode: string;
    associateMode: string;
    associates: Associate[];
    billingAddressIds?: string[];
    contactEmail?: string;
    createdAt: string;
    createdBy?: CreatedBy;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    defaultBillingAddressId?: string;
    defaultShippingAddressId?: string;
    id: string;
    inheritedAssociates?: InheritedAssociate[];
    inheritedStores?: StoreKeyReference[];
    key: string;
    lastModifiedAt: string;
    lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy;
    name: string;
    parentUnit?: BusinessUnitKeyReference;
    shippingAddressIds?: string[];
    status: string;
    storeMode: string;
    stores?: StoreKeyReference[];
    topLevelUnit: BusinessUnitKeyReference;
    unitType: string;
    version: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


addresses: Address[]

Addresses used by the Business Unit.

approvalRuleMode: string

Determines whether the Business Unit can inherit Approval Rules from a parent. Always Explicit for Companies and defaults to ExplicitAndFromParent for Divisions.

associateMode: string

Set to Explicit to prevent the Business Unit inheriting Associates from a parent, set to ExplicitAndFromParent to enable inheritance.

associates: Associate[]

Associates that are part of the Business Unit in specific roles.

billingAddressIds?: string[]

Unique identifiers of addresses used as billing addresses.

contactEmail?: string

Email address of the Business Unit.

createdAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Business Unit was initially created.

createdBy?: CreatedBy

IDs and references that created the BusinessUnit.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields for the Business Unit.

defaultBillingAddressId?: string

Unique identifier of the address used as the default billing address.

defaultShippingAddressId?: string

Unique identifier of the address used as the default shipping address.

id: string

Unique identifier of the Business Unit.

inheritedAssociates?: InheritedAssociate[]

Associates that are inherited from a parent Business Unit. The value of this field is eventually consistent and is only present when the associateMode is set to ExplicitAndFromParent.

inheritedStores?: StoreKeyReference[]

Stores that are inherited from a parent Business Unit. The value of this field is eventually consistent and is only present when the storeMode is set to FromParent.

key: string

User-defined unique and immutable identifier of the Business Unit.

lastModifiedAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Business Unit was last updated.

lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy

IDs and references that last modified the BusinessUnit.

name: string

Name of the Business Unit.

Parent unit of the Business Unit. Only present when the unitType is Division.

shippingAddressIds?: string[]

Unique identifiers of addresses used as shipping addresses.

status: string

Indicates whether the Business Unit can be edited and used in Orders.

storeMode: string

Defines whether the Stores of the Business Unit are set directly on the Business Unit or are inherited from a parent.

References to Stores the Business Unit is associated with. Only present when storeMode is Explicit.

If the Business Unit has Stores defined, then all of its [Carts](ctp:api:type:Cart), [Orders](ctp:api:type:Order), [Quotes](ctp:api:type:Quote), or [Quote Requests](ctp:api:type:QuoteRequest) must belong to one of the Business Unit's Stores.

If the Business Unit has no Stores, then all of its [Carts](ctp:api:type:Cart), [Orders](ctp:api:type:Order), [Quotes](ctp:api:type:Quote), or [Quote Requests](ctp:api:type:QuoteRequest) must not belong to any Store.

Top-level unit of the Business Unit. The top-level unit is of unitType Company.

unitType: string

Type of the Business Unit indicating its position in a hierarchy.

version: number

Current version of the Business Unit.