interface OrderEditDraft {
    comment?: string;
    custom?: CustomFieldsDraft;
    dryRun?: boolean;
    key?: string;
    resource: OrderReference;
    stagedActions?: StagedOrderUpdateAction[];


comment?: string

User-defined description regarding the Order Edit.

Custom Fields for the Order Edit.

dryRun?: boolean

Set to true if you want to peview the edited Order first without persisting it (dry run). A dry run allows checking for potential errors when trying to apply the stagedActions.

Order [API Extensions](/../api/projects/api-extensions), if any, are also called in dry runs.
key?: string

User-defined unique identifier for the Order Edit.

resource: OrderReference

Reference to the Order updated with this edit.

stagedActions?: StagedOrderUpdateAction[]

Update actions to apply to the Order referenced in resource. Cannot be updated if the edit has been applied.