Code generated by commercetools RMF-Codegen. DO NOT EDIT. Please don't change this file manually but run rmf-codegen generate raml_file_path -o output_path -t typescript_client to update it. For more information about the commercetools platform APIs, visit

interface ApiClient {
    accessTokenValiditySeconds?: number;
    createdAt?: string;
    deleteAt?: string;
    id: string;
    lastUsedAt?: string;
    name: string;
    refreshTokenValiditySeconds?: number;
    scope: string;
    secret?: string;


accessTokenValiditySeconds?: number

Expiration time in seconds for each access token obtained by the APIClient. Only present when set with the APIClientDraft. If not present the default value applies.

createdAt?: string

Date and time (UTC) the APIClient was initially created.

deleteAt?: string

If set, the Client will be deleted on (or shortly after) this point in time.

id: string

The OAuth2 client_id that can be used to obtain an access token.

lastUsedAt?: string

Date of the last day this APIClient was used to obtain an access token.

name: string

Name of the APIClient.

refreshTokenValiditySeconds?: number

Inactivity expiration time in seconds for each refresh token obtained by the APIClient. Only present when set with the APIClientDraft. If not present the default value applies.

scope: string

Whitespace-separated list of OAuth scopes that can be used when obtaining an access token.

secret?: string

Only shown once in the response of creating the APIClient. This is the OAuth2 client_secret that can be used to obtain an access token.