Interface GraphQLProductPresentWithDifferentVariantSelectionError

Returned when a Product is already assigned to a Product Selection, but the Product Selection has either a different Product Variant Selection or a different Product Variant Exclusion.

The error is returned as a failed response either to the [Add Product](ctp:api:type:ProductSelectionAddProductAction) or to the [Exclude Product](ctp:api:type:ProductSelectionExcludeProductAction) update action.
interface GraphQLProductPresentWithDifferentVariantSelectionError {
    code: "ProductPresentWithDifferentVariantSelection";
    existingVariantSelection: ProductVariantSelection;
    product: ProductReference;
    [key: string]: any;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: any


code: "ProductPresentWithDifferentVariantSelection"

One of the error codes that is listed on the Errors page.

existingVariantSelection: ProductVariantSelection

Existing Product Variant Selection or Exclusion for the Product in the Product Selection.

Reference to the Product for which the error was returned.