Represents an individual Line Item in an Order. A line item is a snapshot of a product at the time it was added to the order.

You cannot create an Order that includes line item operations that do not exist in the Project or have been deleted.
Products and Product Variants referenced by a line item must already exist in the Project.


custom?: Custom

Custom Fields for this Line Item.

distributionChannel?: ChannelKeyReference

Maps to LineItem.distributionChannel. The Reference to the Distribution Channel with which the LineItem is associated. If referenced CustomerGroup does not exist, the state of the ImportOperation will be set to unresolved until the necessary Distribution Channel is created.

Maps to

Maps to LineItem.price.

Maps to LineItem.productId.

quantity: number

Maps to LineItem.quantity.

shippingDetails?: ItemShippingDetailsDraft

Maps to LineItem.shippingDetails.

state?: ItemState[]
supplyChannel?: ChannelKeyReference

Maps to LineItem.supplyChannel. The Reference to the Supply Channel with which the LineItem is associated. If referenced Supply Channel does not exist, the state of the ImportOperation will be set to unresolved until the necessary Supply Channel is created.

taxRate?: TaxRate

Maps to LineItem.taxRate.

Maps to ProductVariantImportDraft.