Can be used if the Cart has the ExternalAmount TaxMode. This update action adds the taxedPrice field to the Cart. It sets the totalGross amount, and Composable Commerce calculates the totalNet and totalTax values based on the provided externalTotalGross. You must use this update action after any price-affecting change occurs within the Cart.

interface CartSetCartTotalTaxAction {
    action: "setCartTotalTax";
    externalTaxPortions?: TaxPortionDraft[];
    externalTotalGross: _Money;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


action: "setCartTotalTax"
externalTaxPortions?: TaxPortionDraft[]

Set if the externalTotalGross price is a sum of portions with different tax rates.

externalTotalGross: _Money

The total gross amount of the Cart, including tax. This value is used to calculate the totalNet and totalTax fields of the Cart's taxedPrice.