Scoped Price is contained in a ProductVariant which is returned in response to a Product Projection Search request when Scoped Price Search is used.

interface ScopedPrice {
    channel?: ChannelReference;
    country?: string;
    currentValue: TypedMoney;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference;
    discounted?: DiscountedPrice;
    id: string;
    validFrom?: string;
    validUntil?: string;
    value: TypedMoney;


Reference to a Channel.

country?: string

Country code of the geographic location.

currentValue: TypedMoney

If available, either the original price value or discounted value.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields for the Price.

customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference

Reference to a CustomerGroup.

discounted?: DiscountedPrice

Is set when a matching ProductDiscount exists. If set, the Cart uses the discounted value for the Cart Price calculation.

When a [relative Product Discount](ctp:api:type:ProductDiscountValueRelative) is applied and the fractional part of the discounted Price is 0.5, the discounted Price is [rounded half down]( in favor of the Customer.
id: string

Platform-generated unique identifier of the Price.

validFrom?: string

Date and time from which the Price is valid.

validUntil?: string

Date and time until which the Price is valid.

value: TypedMoney

Original value of the Price.