Returned when one of the following states occur:

- [Channel](ctp:api:type:Channel) is added or set on a [Store](ctp:api:type:Store) with missing Channel `roles`.
- [Standalone Price](ctp:api:type:StandalonePrice) references a Channel that does not contain the `ProductDistribution` role.

The error is returned as a failed response to:

- [Add Distribution Channel](ctp:api:type:StoreAddDistributionChannelAction), [Set Distribution Channel](ctp:api:type:StoreSetDistributionChannelsAction), [Add Supply Channel](ctp:api:type:StoreAddSupplyChannelAction), and [Set Supply Channel](ctp:api:type:StoreSetSupplyChannelsAction) update actions.
- [Create StandalonePrice](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/standalone-prices:POST) request.
interface MissingRoleOnChannelError {
    channel?: ChannelResourceIdentifier;
    code: "MissingRoleOnChannel";
    message: string;
    missingRole: string;
    [key: string]: any;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: any


code: "MissingRoleOnChannel"

Error identifier.

message: string

"Given channel with $idOrKeyOfChannel does not have the required role $role."

missingRole: string
  • ProductDistribution for Product Distribution Channels allowed for the Store. Also required for Standalone Prices.
    • InventorySupply for Inventory Supply Channels allowed for the Store.