The customerId is determined by a password flow token and automatically set on the resulting Cart. The anonymousId is determined by a token for an anonymous session and automatically set on the resulting Cart.

interface MyCartDraft {
    billingAddress?: _BaseAddress;
    businessUnit?: BusinessUnitResourceIdentifier;
    country?: string;
    currency: string;
    custom?: CustomFieldsDraft;
    customerEmail?: string;
    deleteDaysAfterLastModification?: number;
    discountCodes?: string[];
    inventoryMode?: string;
    itemShippingAddresses?: BaseAddress[];
    lineItems?: MyLineItemDraft[];
    locale?: string;
    shippingAddress?: _BaseAddress;
    shippingMethod?: ShippingMethodResourceIdentifier;
    shippingMode?: string;
    store?: StoreResourceIdentifier;
    taxMode?: string;


billingAddress?: _BaseAddress

Billing address associated with the Cart.

ResourceIdentifier to the Business Unit the Cart should belong to. The Customer must be an Associate of the Business Unit.

country?: string

Used for LineItem Price selection. If used for Create Cart in Store, the provided country must be one of the Store's countries.

currency: string

Currency the Cart uses.

Custom Fields for the Cart.

customerEmail?: string

Email address of the Customer the Cart belongs to.

deleteDaysAfterLastModification?: number

Number of days after which a Cart with Active CartState is deleted since its last modification. If not provided, the default value for this field configured in Project settings is assigned.

Create a [ChangeSubscription](ctp:api:type:ChangeSubscription) for Carts to receive a [ResourceDeletedDeliveryPayload](ctp:api:type:ResourceDeletedDeliveryPayload) upon deletion of the Cart.
discountCodes?: string[]

code of the existing DiscountCodes to add to the Cart.

inventoryMode?: string

Determines how stock quantities are tracked for Line Items in the Cart.

itemShippingAddresses?: BaseAddress[]

Multiple shipping addresses of the Cart. Each address must contain a key that is unique in this Cart. The keys are used by LineItems to reference these addresses under their shippingDetails.

Eligible Shipping Methods or applicable Tax Rates are determined by the [Cart](ctp:api:type:Cart) `shippingAddress`, and not `itemShippingAddresses`.
lineItems?: MyLineItemDraft[]

Line Items to add to the Cart.

locale?: string

Languages of the Cart. Can only contain languages supported by the Project.

shippingAddress?: _BaseAddress

Shipping address associated with the Cart. Determines eligible ShippingMethod rates and Tax Rates of Line Items.

Shipping Method for the Cart. If the referenced ShippingMethod has a predicate that does not match the Cart, an InvalidOperation error is returned when creating a Cart.

shippingMode?: string
  • If set to Single, only a single Shipping Method can be added to the Cart.
    • If set to Multiple, multiple Shipping Methods can be added to the Cart.

ResourceIdentifier to the Store the Cart should belong to. Once set, it cannot be updated.

taxMode?: string

Determines how Tax Rates are set. The Disabled TaxMode cannot be set.