Creates an Order from a Quote in a Store. The referenced Quote must have the Pendingstate and must be valid (not past the validTo date); otherwise, an InvalidOperation error is returned.
Produces the [OrderCreated](ctp:api:type:OrderCreatedMessage) Message.
Specific Error Codes:
- [OutOfStock](ctp:api:type:OutOfStockError)
- [InvalidItemShippingDetails](ctp:api:type:InvalidItemShippingDetailsError)
- [InvalidOperation](ctp:api:type:InvalidOperationError)
- [CountryNotConfiguredInStore](ctp:api:type:CountryNotConfiguredInStoreError)
Creates an Order from a Quote in a Store. The referenced Quote must have the
state and must be valid (not past thevalidTo
date); otherwise, an InvalidOperation error is returned.