The data representation for an Inventory to be imported that is persisted as a Inventory in the Project.

interface InventoryImport {
    custom?: Custom;
    expectedDelivery?: string;
    key: string;
    quantityOnStock: number;
    restockableInDays?: number;
    sku: string;
    supplyChannel?: ChannelKeyReference;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


custom?: Custom

Maps to Inventory.custom.

expectedDelivery?: string

Maps to Inventory.expectedDelivery

key: string

User-defined unique identifier. If an InventoryEntry with this key exists, it will be updated with the imported data.

quantityOnStock: number

Maps to Inventory.quantityOnStock

restockableInDays?: number

Maps to Inventory.restockableInDays

sku: string

Maps to Inventory.sku

supplyChannel?: ChannelKeyReference

Maps to Inventory.supplyChannel