Typescript SDK for Composable Commerce Audit log (history) APIs. Usage examples Browser environment < script src = "https://unpkg.com/@commercetools/ts-client@latest/dist/commercetools-sdk-client-v3.umd.js" ></ script > < script src = "https://unpkg.com/@commercetools/history-sdk@latest/dist/commercetools-history-sdk.umd.js" ></ script >
< script > // global: @commercetools/ts-client // global: @commercetools/history-sdk ;( function () { // We can now access the ts-client and history-sdk object as: // const { ClientBuilder } = this['@commercetools/ts-client'] // const { createApiBuilderFromCtpClient } = this['@commercetools/history-sdk'] // or // const { ClientBuilder } = window['@commercetools/ts-client'] // const { createApiBuilderFromCtpClient } = window['@commercetools/history-sdk'] })() </ script >
Node environment npm install --save @commercetools/ts-client npm install --save @commercetools/history-sdk
const { ClientBuilder , createAuthForClientCredentialsFlow , createHttpClient , } = require ( '@commercetools/ts-client' ) const { createApiBuilderFromCtpClient } = require ( '@commercetools/history-sdk' ) const projectKey = 'mc-project-key' const authMiddlewareOptions = { host: 'https://auth.europe-west1.gcp.commercetools.com' , projectKey , credentials: { clientId: 'mc-client-id' , clientSecret: 'mc-client-secrets' , }, oauthUri: '/oauth/token' , // - optional: custom oauthUri scopes: [ `manage_project: ${ projectKey } ` ], fetch , } const httpMiddlewareOptions = { host: 'https://history.europe-west1.gcp.commercetools.com' , fetch , } const client = new ClientBuilder () . withProjectKey ( projectKey ) . withMiddleware ( createAuthForClientCredentialsFlow ( authMiddlewareOptions )) . withMiddleware ( createHttpClient ( httpMiddlewareOptions )) . withUserAgentMiddleware () . build () // or const client = new ClientBuilder () . withProjectKey ( projectKey ) . withClientCredentialsFlow ( authMiddlewareOptions ) . withHttpMiddleware ( httpMiddlewareOptions ) . withUserAgentMiddleware () . build () const apiRoot = createApiBuilderFromCtpClient ( client ) // calling the history-sdk functions // get project details apiRoot . withProjectKey ({ projectKey }) . recommendations () . projectCategories () . withProductId ({ productId: product . id , }) . get () . execute () . then (( x ) => { /*...*/ }) apiRoot . withProjectKey ({ projectKey }) . imageSearch () . post ({ queryArgs: { limit: 20 , }, body: image , headers: { 'Content-Type' : 'image/jpeg' , }, }) . execute () . then (( x ) => { /*...*/ }) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The ts-client also has support for the old syntax import { createClient , createHttpClient , createAuthForClientCredentialsFlow , } from '@commercetools/ts-client' import { createApiBuilderFromCtpClient } from '@commercetools/history-sdk' const projectKey = 'some_project_key' const authMiddleware = createAuthForClientCredentialsFlow ({ host: 'https://auth.europe-west1.gcp.commercetools.com' , projectKey , credentials: { clientId: 'some_id' , clientSecret: 'some_secret' , }, fetch , }) const httpMiddleware = createHttpClient ({ host: 'https://history.europe-west1.gcp.commercetools.com' , fetch , }) const ctpClient = createClient ({ middlewares: [ authMiddleware , httpMiddleware ], }) const apiRoot = createApiBuilderFromCtpClient ( ctpClient ) apiRoot . withProjectKey ({ projectKey }) . recommendations () . projectCategories () . withProductId ({ productId: product . id , }) . get () . execute () . then (( x ) => { /*...*/ }) apiRoot . withProjectKey ({ projectKey }) . imageSearch () . post ({ queryArgs: { limit: 20 , }, body: image , headers: { 'Content-Type' : 'image/jpeg' , }, }) . execute () . then (( x ) => { /*...*/ })