interface Project {
    businessUnits?: BusinessUnitConfiguration;
    carts: CartsConfiguration;
    countries: string[];
    createdAt: string;
    currencies: string[];
    externalOAuth?: ExternalOAuth;
    key: string;
    languages: string[];
    messages: MessagesConfiguration;
    name: string;
    searchIndexing?: SearchIndexingConfiguration;
    shippingRateInputType?: ShippingRateInputType;
    shoppingLists?: ShoppingListsConfiguration;
    trialUntil?: string;
    version: number;


Holds configuration specific to Business Units.

Holds the configuration for the Carts feature.

countries: string[]

Country code of the geographic location.

createdAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Project was initially created.

currencies: string[]

Currency code of the country. A Project must have at least one currency.

externalOAuth?: ExternalOAuth

Represents a RFC 7662 compliant OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection endpoint.

key: string

User-defined unique identifier of the Project.

languages: string[]

Language of the country. A Project must have at least one language.

Holds the configuration for the Messages Query feature.

name: string

Name of the Project.

Controls indexing of resources to be provided on high performance read-only search endpoints.

shippingRateInputType?: ShippingRateInputType

Holds the configuration for the tiered shipping rates feature.

Holds the configuration for the Shopping Lists feature. This field may not be present on Projects created before January 2020.

trialUntil?: string

Date in YYYY-MM format specifying when the trial period for the Project ends. Only present on Projects in trial period.

version: number

Current version of the Project.