This payload is sent for a ChangeSubscription when a resource is created.

interface ResourceCreatedDeliveryPayload {
    modifiedAt: string;
    notificationType: "ResourceCreated";
    projectKey: string;
    resource: Reference;
    resourceUserProvidedIdentifiers?: UserProvidedIdentifiers;
    version: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


modifiedAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the resource was last modified.

notificationType: "ResourceCreated"

Identifies the payload.

projectKey: string

key of the Project. Useful for processing notifications if the Destination receives them from multiple Projects.

resource: Reference

Reference to the resource that triggered the notification.

resourceUserProvidedIdentifiers?: UserProvidedIdentifiers

User-defined unique identifiers of the resource.

version: number

Last seen version of the resource.