Business Unit type to represent the top level of a business. Contains specific fields and values that differentiate a Company from the generic BusinessUnit.

interface Company {
    addresses: Address[];
    approvalRuleMode: string;
    associateMode: string;
    associates: Associate[];
    billingAddressIds?: string[];
    contactEmail?: string;
    createdAt: string;
    createdBy?: CreatedBy;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    defaultBillingAddressId?: string;
    defaultShippingAddressId?: string;
    id: string;
    inheritedAssociates?: InheritedAssociate[];
    inheritedStores?: StoreKeyReference[];
    key: string;
    lastModifiedAt: string;
    lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy;
    name: string;
    parentUnit?: BusinessUnitKeyReference;
    shippingAddressIds?: string[];
    status: string;
    storeMode: string;
    stores?: StoreKeyReference[];
    topLevelUnit: BusinessUnitKeyReference;
    unitType: "Company";
    version: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


addresses: Address[]

Addresses used by the Business Unit.

approvalRuleMode: string

The value of this field is always Explicit because a Company cannot have a parent Business Unit that Approval Rules can be inherited from.

associateMode: string

The value of this field is always Explicit because a Company cannot have a parent Business Unit that Associates can be inherited from.

associates: Associate[]

Associates that are part of the Business Unit in specific roles.

billingAddressIds?: string[]

Unique identifiers of addresses used as billing addresses.

contactEmail?: string

Email address of the Business Unit.

createdAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Business Unit was initially created.

createdBy?: CreatedBy

IDs and references that created the BusinessUnit.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields for the Business Unit.

defaultBillingAddressId?: string

Unique identifier of the address used as the default billing address.

defaultShippingAddressId?: string

Unique identifier of the address used as the default shipping address.

id: string

Unique identifier of the Business Unit.

inheritedAssociates?: InheritedAssociate[]

Associates that are inherited from a parent Business Unit. The value of this field is eventually consistent and is only present when the associateMode is set to ExplicitAndFromParent.

inheritedStores?: StoreKeyReference[]

Stores that are inherited from a parent Business Unit. The value of this field is eventually consistent and is only present when the storeMode is set to FromParent.

key: string

User-defined unique and immutable identifier of the Business Unit.

lastModifiedAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Business Unit was last updated.

lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy

IDs and references that last modified the BusinessUnit.

name: string

Name of the Business Unit.

Parent unit of the Business Unit. Only present when the unitType is Division.

shippingAddressIds?: string[]

Unique identifiers of addresses used as shipping addresses.

status: string

Indicates whether the Business Unit can be edited and used in Orders.

storeMode: string

The value of this field is always Explicit because a Company cannot have a parent Business Unit that Stores can be inherited from.

References to Stores the Business Unit is associated with. Only present when storeMode is Explicit.

If the Business Unit has Stores defined, then all of its [Carts](ctp:api:type:Cart), [Orders](ctp:api:type:Order), [Quotes](ctp:api:type:Quote), or [Quote Requests](ctp:api:type:QuoteRequest) must belong to one of the Business Unit's Stores.

If the Business Unit has no Stores, then all of its [Carts](ctp:api:type:Cart), [Orders](ctp:api:type:Order), [Quotes](ctp:api:type:Quote), or [Quote Requests](ctp:api:type:QuoteRequest) must not belong to any Store.

Top-level unit of the Business Unit. The top-level unit is of unitType Company.

unitType: "Company"

Type of the Business Unit indicating its position in a hierarchy.

version: number

Current version of the Business Unit.