The ShippingRate maps to an abstract Cart categorization expressed by integers (such as shipping scores or weight ranges). Either price or priceFunction is required.

interface CartScoreTier {
    isMatching?: boolean;
    price?: _Money;
    priceFunction?: PriceFunction;
    score: number;
    type: "CartScore";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


isMatching?: boolean

Appears in response to Get ShippingMethods for a Cart if the shipping rate matches the search query.

price?: _Money

Defines a fixed price for the score.

priceFunction?: PriceFunction

Dynamically calculates a Price for a range of scores.

score: number

Abstract value for categorizing a Cart. The range starts at 0. The default price covers 0, tiers start at 1. See Tiered shipping rates for details and examples.

type: "CartScore"