interface StandalonePrice {
    active: boolean;
    channel?: ChannelReference;
    country?: string;
    createdAt: string;
    createdBy?: CreatedBy;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference;
    discounted?: DiscountedPrice;
    id: string;
    key?: string;
    lastModifiedAt: string;
    lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy;
    sku: string;
    staged?: StagedStandalonePrice;
    tiers?: PriceTier[];
    validFrom?: string;
    validUntil?: string;
    value: TypedMoney;
    version: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


active: boolean

If set to true, the StandalonePrice is considered during price selection. If set to false, the StandalonePrice is not considered during price selection.

Product distribution Channel for which this Price is valid.

country?: string

Country for which this Price is valid.

createdAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the StandalonePrice was initially created.

createdBy?: CreatedBy

IDs and references that created the StandalonePrice.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields for the StandalonePrice.

customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference

CustomerGroup for which this Price is valid.

discounted?: DiscountedPrice

Set if a matching ProductDiscount exists. If set, the API uses the discounted value for the LineItem Price selection. When a relative discount is applied and the fraction part of the discounted price is 0.5, the discounted price is rounded in favor of the customer with the half down rounding.

id: string

Unique identifier of the StandalonePrice.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier of the StandalonePrice.

lastModifiedAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the StandalonePrice was last updated.

lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy

IDs and references that last modified the StandalonePrice.

sku: string

SKU of the ProductVariant to which this Price is associated.

Staged changes of the StandalonePrice. Only present if the StandalonePrice has some changes staged.

tiers?: PriceTier[]

Price tiers if any are defined.

If `discounted` is present, the tiered Price is ignored for a Product Variant.
validFrom?: string

Date from which the Price is valid.

validUntil?: string

Date until the Price is valid. Standalone Prices that are no longer valid are not automatically deleted, but they can be deleted if necessary.

value: TypedMoney

Money value of this Price.

version: number

Current version of the StandalonePrice.