Interface MyCartApplyDeltaToLineItemShippingDetailsTargetsAction

To override the shipping details, see Set LineItem ShippingDetails.

interface MyCartApplyDeltaToLineItemShippingDetailsTargetsAction {
    action: "applyDeltaToLineItemShippingDetailsTargets";
    lineItemId?: string;
    lineItemKey?: string;
    targetsDelta: ItemShippingTarget[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


action: "applyDeltaToLineItemShippingDetailsTargets"
lineItemId?: string

id of the LineItem to update. Either lineItemId or lineItemKey is required.

lineItemKey?: string

key of the LineItem to update. Either lineItemId or lineItemKey is required.

targetsDelta: ItemShippingTarget[]

Using positive or negative quantities increases or decreases the number of items shipped to an address.