Returned when an AttributeEnumType or AttributeLocalizedEnumType already contains a value with the given key.

The error is returned as a failed response to the [Change the key of an EnumValue](ctp:api:type:ProductTypeChangeEnumKeyAction) update action.
interface EnumKeyDoesNotExistError {
    code: "EnumKeyDoesNotExist";
    conflictingAttributeName: string;
    conflictingEnumKey: string;
    message: string;
    [key: string]: any;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: any


code: "EnumKeyDoesNotExist"

Error identifier.

conflictingAttributeName: string

Name of the conflicting Attribute.

conflictingEnumKey: string

Conflicting enum key.

message: string

"The $fieldName field definition does not contain an enum value with the key $enumKey."