interface TaxRateDraft {
    amount?: number;
    country: string;
    includedInPrice: boolean;
    key?: string;
    name: string;
    state?: string;
    subRates?: SubRate[];


amount?: number

Tax rate. Must be supplied if no subRates are specified. If subRates are specified, this field can be omitted or it must be the sum of amounts of all subRates.

country: string

Country in which the tax rate is applied in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.

includedInPrice: boolean

If true, tax is included in Embedded Prices or Standalone Prices, and the taxedPrice is present on LineItems. In this case, the totalNet price on TaxedPrice includes the TaxRate.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier of the TaxRate.

name: string

Name of the TaxRate.

state?: string

State within the country, such as Texas in the United States.

subRates?: SubRate[]

Used to calculate the taxPortions field in a Cart or Order or (Custom) Line Items. It is useful if the total tax of a country (such as the US) is a combination of multiple taxes (such as state and local taxes). The total of all subrates must equal the TaxRate amount.