This Discount target is similar to MultiBuyLineItems, but is applied on Custom Line Items instead of Line Items.

interface MultiBuyCustomLineItemsTarget {
    discountedQuantity: number;
    maxOccurrence?: number;
    predicate: string;
    selectionMode: string;
    triggerQuantity: number;
    type: "multiBuyCustomLineItems";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


discountedQuantity: number

Number of Custom Line Items that are discounted per application of this Discount. It must be less than or equal to the triggerQuantity.

maxOccurrence?: number

Maximum number of times this Discount can be applied. Do not set if the Discount should be applied an unlimited number of times.

predicate: string

Valid CustomLineItems target predicate. The Discount will be applied to Custom Line Items that are matched by the predicate.

selectionMode: string

Discounts particular Line Items only according to the SelectionMode.

triggerQuantity: number

Number of Custom Line Items to be present in order to trigger an application of this Discount.

type: "multiBuyCustomLineItems"