Contains the Product Variant to be used in the LineItemImportDraft.

interface ProductVariantImportDraft {
    attributes?: Attribute[];
    id?: number;
    images?: Image[];
    prices?: PriceDraft[];
    sku?: string;


attributes?: Attribute[]

The Attributes of the Product Variant if you want to override the attributes property in the referenced ProductVariant. If not set, the attributes from the referenced ProductVariant are copied to the resulting Order.

id?: number

The id of the ProductVariant. Required if you do not set a value for sku. If set, you must specify a productId in the LineItemImportDraft also.

images?: Image[]

The Images of the Product Variant if you want to override the images property in the referenced ProductVariant. If not set, the images from the referenced ProductVariant are copied to the resulting Order.

prices?: PriceDraft[]

The Prices of the Product Variant if you want to override the prices property in the referenced ProductVariant. If not set, the prices from the referenced ProductVariant are used in the resulting Order. If set, each Price must have its unique price scope (same value.currencyCode, country, customerGroup, channel, validFrom and validUntil).

sku?: string

The sku of the ProductVariant. Required if you do not set a value for id.