maxMaximum number of times the Discount can apply on a Cart.
If empty or not set, the Discount will apply indefinitely.
selectionDetermines which of the matching units of (Custom) Line Items are discounted.
targetDefines the set of units of (Custom) Line Items in a Cart on which the Discount is applied.
Based on the availability of matching units and the limits from the `triggerPattern` or `maxOccurrence`, the `targetPattern` can match multiple times.
This array cannot be empty.
triggerDefines the set of units of (Custom) Line Items in a Cart that trigger a discount application.
Based on the availability of matching units, the `triggerPattern` can match multiple times, limiting the number of maximum times the discount will be applied.
To further limit the discount application, set the `maxOccurrence`.
If empty, the Discount will apply indefinitely.
Pattern targets can be used to model Buy and Get discounts.