Pattern targets can be used to model Buy and Get discounts.

Unlike [CartDiscountLineItemsTarget](#cartdiscountlineitemstarget) and [CartDiscountCustomLineItemsTarget](#cartdiscountcustomlineitemstarget), it does not apply to a (Custom) Line Item as a whole, but to individual units of a (Custom) Line Item. The discounts can apply multiple times on the same cart, but each unit can be discounted only once.
interface CartDiscountPatternTarget {
    maxOccurrence?: number;
    selectionMode: string;
    targetPattern: PatternComponent[];
    triggerPattern: PatternComponent[];
    type: "pattern";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


maxOccurrence?: number

Maximum number of times the Discount can apply on a Cart.

If empty or not set, the Discount will apply indefinitely.
selectionMode: string

Determines which of the matching units of (Custom) Line Items are discounted.

targetPattern: PatternComponent[]

Defines the set of units of (Custom) Line Items in a Cart on which the Discount is applied.

Based on the availability of matching units and the limits from the `triggerPattern` or `maxOccurrence`, the `targetPattern` can match multiple times.

This array cannot be empty.
triggerPattern: PatternComponent[]

Defines the set of units of (Custom) Line Items in a Cart that trigger a discount application.

Based on the availability of matching units, the `triggerPattern` can match multiple times, limiting the number of maximum times the discount will be applied.
To further limit the discount application, set the `maxOccurrence`.

If empty, the Discount will apply indefinitely.
type: "pattern"